Get Registered
- Check out our registration brochure to learn about our camps and the summer camp theme. You can find this brochure on our website or you can call our office and request a copy.
- Register for camp. You can register online or you can fill out a registration form and either mail or fax it to us.
- After we receive your registration, you’ll receive a link to the web page that contains the health form, waiver, camper profile form, and other information we require for registration.
All registered campers will receive a free camp t-shirt. We capture the camper activity in pictures and share the link to these picture with their families. We can also provide you a copy of these pictures on a DVD for $5.
Required Forms
Please complete the Health Form and the Release and Waiver of Liability and submit them to Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca at least 2 weeks before the first day of your camper’s summer camp session.
Important Forms & Information
Please complete or review the following documents as they pertain to your camper.
Financial Aid
Summer camp scholarships, or “camperships,” are intended to subsidize the cost of camp for children requiring financial assistance to make summer camp a reality. Please also ask your local congregation for any assistance they may be able to give as many congregations help to pay summer camp fees.
Is your family new to Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca? Our Family’s First Camper scholarship initiative is for you! We award camp scholarship for campers from families who have never before sent children to Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca. For full week camps, you’re eligible to receive $100 off the cost of camp and $50 off for a mini-week camp.