May 29 Update – Day Camp!
For today’s update, I am pleased to announce that we are planning to continue with our Day Camp program as regularly scheduled, beginning on June 22. After discussions this week with our county health we feel as if we can target a regular opening for our Day Camp program. There will still have to be a few program adjustments, but we feel we can offer a worthwhile camp experience for our day campers while adhering to the necessary safety measures. This, of course, is subject to change depending on how the pandemic impacts our local area, but for now, we’re continuing to plan for Day Camp to start on June 22. Before the end of next week (June 5), campers and their families will receive policy guidelines about additional COVID-19 health and safety measures, so stay tuned for those!
That’s all for today. There is no additional update on our overnight camp programs for July 5 and beyond. While there are some positive trends, we still need more restrictions to ease and more guidance from local and state health. Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend! God be with you all!
Daniel Sanchez
Camp Director
Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca